All proceedings go to
Yemen Emergency Appeal
*December 2016 – A child dies every 10 Minutes in Yemen* – UNICEF
*Nov 2023 – A child is killed every 10 mins on the Gaza strip – World Health Organisation.
*Yemenis and Gazans are currently facing two of the world’s worst Humanitarian Crisis. Recently due to Yemen’s support of Palestine, Liberating the people of Palestine and themselves, their personal struggle against Global imperialism and their moral obligation to fight for a free Palestine has resulted in a shameful cut in aid by the UK , US and other countries.
Currently their is active Bombing by the UK and US on several different cities in Yemen and has fell on Civilian areas.
After nine years of war, Yemen remains the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. An estimated 4.5 million people—14 percent of the population—are currently displaced, most of whom have been displaced multiple times over a number of years. Two-thirds of the population of Yemen—21.6 million people are in dire need of humanitarian assistance and protection services. The risk of a large-scale famine in the country has never been more acute. Tens of thousands are already living in famine-like conditions, with a staggering six million more just one step away from it. (UNHCR, 2023)
As Individuals we have the RESPONSIBILITY to help the people in need, around the world. Our Sisters and Brothers are suffering, Children, Babies and the Elderly! A little can make so much difference. At a time when the UK, USA and other countries have stopped giving aid to YEMEN. It is our time to support.
I personally would appreciate anything towards this fund.
For my Muslim Sisters and Brothers, Ramadan is approaching, in this blessed Month of Sha’ban, lets uplift our Ummah. Jazakallahu Khair.
And for everyone, Thank you for contributing. This means the world to me and the people in Yemen. Lets Help Humanity Together!
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Emergency Aid Pack
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SelectEmergency Food Packs for 10 Families (Full Months Supply)
SelectEmergency Food Packs for 20 Families (Full Months Supply)
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