Asalamulaykum my brother's and sister's please support me to give the people of Yemen drinking water

Fundraiser by [email protected]

All proceedings go to

Yemen Emergency Appeal

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£730.00 raised of £5000.00
2 years left

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Asalamulaykum my brother’s and sister’s. My name  is Zaheer Din and I’d like to ask you to help in receiving the ajjar for   supporting  me and my wife with this amazing project.  We are wanting to set up water tanks   on behalf of my late mother, sister and my beloved  brother Waheed  Din, who  recently left this temporary dunya on February 1st 2024.

May it be a means of sadqah al jarriyah for them all, and for you too. Ameen.

Please support us in birrah,  righteous good deeds, which are pleasing to Allah. This amazing project is to provide water to  the people of YEMEN.   We thank you and ask Allah to reward you all and bless you all with aafiyah.

Jazakhamullahu khairn
Sa’d ibn ‘Ubadah reported: I said, “O Messenger of Allah, my mother has died. Shall I give charity on her behalf?” The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, I said, “Which charity is best?” The Prophet Mohammed sallaho alleyhe wasallim said, A drink of water

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Emergency Aid Pack


100 Emergency Meals


500 Emergency Meals (Half a Village)


1000 Emergency Meals (full village)


Emergency Food Pack for 1 Family (Full Months Supply)


Emergency Food Packs for 10 Families (Full Months Supply)


Emergency Food Packs for 20 Families (Full Months Supply)


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